Nomad Art
September 2024
Ground is a series of works that respond to the landscape around me in the Strathbogie Ranges of Victoria
Ground I, 51 x 78 cm, all works mono print, collagraph on Hahnemuhle 300 gsm, $880 unframed


Ground lI, 51 x 78 cm

Ground lll, 51 x 78 cm

Ground IV, 51 x 78 cm

Ground V, 51 x 78 cm

Ground Vl, 51 x 78 cm

Ground VII, 51 x 78 cm

Ground XlII, 51 x 78 cm

Ground IX, 51 x 78 cm

Ground X, 51 x 78 cm

Ground XI, 51 x 78 cm
ARTBOX, Avenel
August 11 - September 1, 2024
Strathbogie Hills VI, collagraph on Hahnemuhle 300 gsm

Becoming the lake
Strathbogie Artbox
March 2024
The beginning of the 2020s in north-east Victoria was marked by a series of unseasonal and extreme rain events. There were major floods and high levels of summer rainfall. This exhibition explores the nation of water and rain becoming swollen streams and vast lake systems.
Becoming the Lake I, 120 x 42 cm
Monoprint collagraph on Hahnemuhle

Becoming the Lake I&II, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake III & IV, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake V, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake VI, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake VII, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake VII, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake VIII, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake X, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake XI, collagraph, 80 x 80 cm

Becoming the Lake VIII, collagraph, 40 x 40 cm

The land after - the land before
Euroa Butter Factory
December 2020
My response to landscape is largely driven by an aesthetic – a constructed assembly of natural elements. They are loose grip observations. Each image a moment in time, a small part of a day, a tiny part of the year, a nanosecond in a millennium. They are a dialogue about human interaction with the land and the layers of pre-lived experience.
High Summer ll, 39 x 28 cm
All works monoprint, chine collé on Hahnemuhle 300 gsm

Rocks and Grass lV, 39 x 36 cm, $365 unframed

Volatile Summer Heat, 39 x 36 cm, $640 framed

Thinning of the Grass l, 39 x 36 cm, SOLD

Thinning of the Grass ll, 39 x 36 cm, $365 unframed

Summer High Heat ll, 39 x 36 cm, $395 unframed

Strathbogie Rocks and Hills l, 39 x 36 cm, $365 unframed

Strathbogie Rocks and Hills ll, 36 x 39 cm, SOLD

Strathbogie Rocks and Hills lll, 36 x 39 cm, $365 unframed

Summer Solstice, 39 x 36 cm, $365 unframed

Beginning of Autumn - Unexpected Rain, 39 x 36 cm, SOLD

Summer - High Heat l, 39 x 36 cm, $365 unframed

Chirping Crickets, 39 x 36 cm, $365 unframed

Lingering Dusk, 39 x 36 cm, $395 unframed

Summer Shadows, 39 x 36 cm, $395 unframed

Wet and Dry, 39 x 36 cm, $395 unframed

Afternoon Sun - Garden Range, 36 x 39 cm, SOLD

Rain Clouds - Late Summer, 39 x 36 cm, SOLD

Summer - High Heat lll, 36 x 39 cm, $395 unframed

Summer - High Heat lV, 36 x 39 cm, SOLD

Summer Storm, 39 x 36 cm, $365 unframed

High Summer - Garden Range l, 30.5 x 36, SOLD

Summer - High Heat V, 36 x 39 cm, SOLD

Grasshoppers on the Move l, 36 x 39 cm, $475 unframed

Grasshoppers on the Move ll, 36 x 39 cm, $475 unframed

Summer - High Heat Vl, 39 x 36 cm, $475 unframed

Granite Hills l, 39 x 36 cm, SOLD

High Summer lll, 39 x 28 cm, $375 unframed

Granite Range l, 57 x 76 cm, SOLD

Granite Range ll, 57 x 76 cm, $1250 framed

Granite Range lll, 47 x 77 cm, $990 unframed

Granite Range lV, 47 x 76 cm, $990 unframed

Granite Range V, 47 x 76 cm, $990 unframed

Granite Range Vl, 46 x 75 cm, SOLD

Granite Range Vll, 47.5 x 70cm, SOLD

Granite Range Vlll, 54 x 78 cm, $990 unframed

Granite Range lX, 54 x 78 cm, $990 unframed

Trees on the Ridge l, 51 x 78 cm, SOLD

Trees on the Ridge ll, 51 x 78 cm, $990 unframed